Cabin in the Woods
A true nights rest finally accomplished.
My feet tickle from the morning dew grass –even before daybreak, I pray this moment lasts.
Days and years, I painted this mural in the recesses of my mind.
A tear in my eye, I’ve finally done it!
The home I yearned for,
suffered for,
toiled for,
fought for.
An endless sea of critics and consequences,
left my ship astray in their wicked storms.
For decades, thieves stole my sanity; bandits pillaged my peace.
The reaper swiped away all the loved ones I dare wished to share in this glory.
But I was not to be denied my paradise,
after all I sacrificed.
A large homely cabin, a wonder of comfort.
Humble to nature as the wood glistens on top of its perfect granite foundation.
Balanced with modernities,
satellite and electricity.
A divine view where I stand.
Fourty acres, all mine.
The water falls and flows, from a hill so tall. Atop the mound, dwarfed by the rocky giants.
A pool, my closet, to pray and meditate.
By my cabin, 4000 square feet in all.
The seeds I sown shall grow.
Trees, a protective shield from the outside.
A trail of tranquility, to visit the critters.
Across the river,
Targets and sandbags,
Only in death shall I yield.